- 1995 Mar. - Original company called JIU DA (J.D. BICYCLE) was set up as a professional bicycle parts manufacturer in SHENZHEN.
- 1995 Sep. – Head office JOY TAI INT’L CORP. was set up in Changhua, Taiwan.
- 2005-2007 Jun. - BICI CASA Bicycle (Huizhou) Co., LTD. was founded in 2005 and the plants were started to build in 2005 and finished in June 2007.
- 2007 Oct. – BICI CASA started formal production in October 2007 Equipments Output : 30,000~40,000 frames per month.
- 2008 Jun. – JD Bicycle ended with 13 years experienced in producing alloy bicycle frames in June ,2008 and all production moved to BICI CASA Bicycle (Huizhou) Co., LTD.
- 2010 Mar. – WHEEL BOY (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. was established as a professional paint processing factory in Huizhou , Guangdong.